
More Poetry

Latest works and a selection of recent works in each book to be released as Limited Edition NFTs.

Latest works

The Signs

At first there was a panicLeaves spread over the factsSpreading out words that found youBuried in the garden And awake... Read more

Dissolving Planets – Chaos and Matter

Perspective of Reason

The watcher walks along the wired paths Along the edges of existence Before the clouds were formed Ideas were material... Read more

Artificial Entertainment – Chaos and Matter

The Small Talk

Love the small talk crawls in like a magnet segment drops into the sequence inside the layer of skin of... Read more

Laughter of Sages – Chaos and Matter


We passed you in the aisles Bitter kisses fresh on a sleeve A bruised shoulder hanging string bag pushing into... Read more

Nature of nature – Chaos and Matter

The turning of the sun

the greying crystal break in the dawn as the light pours out of the clouds drifting down along the contours... Read more

Universal Chaos – Chaos and Matter

The Wooden Path

Through the forest the wooden path extends avoiding the truth from discovering itself time is circular he whispered do not... Read more